External links
Links to University Research Centres
Below are several tables, organized by continent, that provide links to the websites of academic centres and university departments around the world where researchers have an explicit research interest in ending global poverty and promoting global justice. The table is neither exhaustive and it may not be 100% up to date. If think that any other departments should be included, have any updates, or spot any errors – please contact us.
Cairo,         Egypt Centre for the Study of Developing Countries
Ibadan,        Nigeria Centre for Sustainable Development
Aauekpoma,  Nigeria Centre for Strategic and Development Studies
Cape Town,   South Africa Centre for Development Research (SA-GER)
Simon Fraser, Canada Centre for Sustainable Community Development
St. Francis Xavier, Canada Coady International Institute
Berkeley, USA Blum Center for Developing Economies
Georgetown, USA Centre on Poverty and Inequality
Harvard, USA Center for International Development
Kentucky, USA Center for Poverty Research
New York (Columbia), USA The Earth Institute
New York (NYU Law), USA Center for Human Rights and Global Justice
Pennsylvania, USA Rock Ethics Institute
San Diego (SDS), USA Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs
San Diego (UCSD), USA Center on Global Justice
Seattle, USA Center for Global Justice
Stanford, USA Program on Global Justice
Stanford, USA Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law
Stanford, USA The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality
Yale, USA Global Justice Program
Delhi, India Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
Bonn, Germany International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP)
Bath, UK Centre for Development Studies
Birmingham, UK Centre for the Study of Global Ethics
Brighton, UK Institute of Development Studies
Bristol, UK Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research
Cambridge, UK Centre for Sustainable Development
Leeds, UK Centre for Global Development
Leeds and London, UK Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy
London (Goldsmiths), UK Unit for Global Justice
London (LSE), UK Centre for the Study of Human Rights
London (LSE), UK Department of International Development
London (SOAS), UK Centre for Development Policy and Research
London (Westminster), UK Max Lock Centre
Manchester, UK Global Development Institute
Nottingham, UK Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice
Oxford, UK Environmental Change Institute
Oxford, UK Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative
Oxford, UK Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment