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Transforming Africa’s Food Systems Webinar

Jesuit Justice Ecology Network Africa (JENA) in collaboration with Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP), and Global Justice Program, Yale University organized a webinar themed, “Transforming Africa’s Food System towards Poverty…

A Word from the ASAP President

In 2022, Academics Stand Against Poverty inaugurated the Ambedkar Grants for Advancing Poverty Eradication (AGAPE), providing competitive funding and mentoring for innovative pilot projects in severe poverty eradication with strong…

Journal ASAP – Poverty-Focused Academic Awards

Starting this year, Journal ASAP will confer three annual awards for poverty-focused academic work – all with nomination deadlines of 16 October 2022. An ASAP Lifetime Achievement Award for constructive work related to…

Ambedkar Grants for Advancing Poverty

16 Jun 02:00 pm In its first year, AGAPE aims to divide Rs. 8,00,000/- among ca. five promising projects that will pilot innovative approaches to poverty eradication. Here poverty is…

2022 Global Justice Programme and ASAP

\”Technology & Justice\” An exciting yet insightful and informative conference, in collaboration with ASAP, Yale University, the Global Justice Program, and Quinnipiac University took place over a span of three…

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