Board members
Our board includes leading academics from a variety of fields, all with a passionate interest in poverty alleviation. For more information, please also see our advisory board and our staff and volunteers.

Thomas Pogge - President
Having received his PhD in philosophy from Harvard, Thomas Pogge is Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs and founding Director of the Global Justice Program at Yale. Pogge is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science as well as co-founder of Incentives for Global Health, a team effort toward developing a complement to the pharmaceutical patent regime that would improve access to advanced medicines for the poor worldwide ( More information at

Catarina Tully - Co-chapter Lead
Cat Tully is the Founder and Managing Director of The School of International Futures (SOIF). SOIF helps leaders in business, government and the third sector use foresight (ordered long-term thinking) to explore alternative futures and act on the implications for decision-making today.
Cat has extensive experience as a practitioner, helping governments, civil society and businesses to be more strategic, more effective, and better prepared for the future. She is motivated by a focus on social justice and the importance of multi-stakeholder approaches to the challenges of the 21st century world.
Prior to setting up SOIF, Cat was Strategy Project Director at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and Senior Policy Adviser in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Before working in government, she worked in strategy and international relations across the not-for-profit and business sectors, including Christian Aid, Technoserve, and Procter and Gamble.
Cat is the Chairholder of the Professorial Chair in the field of Leadership at UNIRAZAK University in Malaysia, and a Visiting Lecturer at King’s College, University of London. She was previously a Visiting Professor at Moscow’s Presidential Academy for Public Administration and an Honorary Fellow of Exeter University’s Strategy and Security Institute. Cat is a member of the United Nations Learning Advisory Council for the 2030 Agenda. She is a Trustee of the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development (FDSD) and a member of the Advisory Board for the British Foreign Policy Group (BFPG).

Daniele Botti - Treasurer
Daniele holds a PhD in History from the University of Eastern Piedmont (Vercelli, Italy) and a Laurea (summa cum laude) from the University of Milan (Milano, Italy). He spent two years (Jan. 2010-Dec. 2011) as Visiting Assistant in Research in the Global Justice Program at Yale University.
He was Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy of Yale University in the spring semester of 2018, and he is currently Adjunct Professor at Quinnipiac University and Fairfield University. Â Daniele has published in academic journals such as Solutions, History of Political Thought, and Journal of the History of Ideas, and he is author of the book John Rawls and American Pragmatism: Between Engagement and Avoidance (Lexington Books, 2019). Â Daniele has been serving as Treasurer of ASAP and of Incentives for Global Health since 2015.

Mihaita Lupu - Co-chapter Lead
Mihai is the founder and catalyst of EduCaB, an international inter-institutional, interdisciplinary program and methodology, focused on nurturing non-formal educational, cultural and knowledge focused ecosystems in 1200+ small communities in various countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Central America.
Mihai also co-founded and is the president of Short Film Breaks, an international short film festival with running activities in 7 countries, aiming to promote independent cinematography as means of education in rural areas, promoting human rights, global justice and environmental related initiatives.
He was a resident researcher of Charles F. Kettering Foundation, a US research institute focused on documenting and studying democratic practices. His main focus at Kettering was to look at the potential of the social infrastructure as a catalyst for more inclusive and civic engaged communities, with a focus on the role of libraries in this process.
Recently, Mihai founded and is developing Periphery Inc., an idea lab focused on nurturing innovative learning contexts by bringing together practitioners, scholars and policy makers.

Michal Apollo - Communications Lead
Michal Apollo is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, a Fellow of Yale University’s Global Justice Program, New Haven, USA, a Visiting Scholar at Hainan University – Arizona State University Joint International Tourism College, Haikou, China, and a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Tourism Research Wakayama University, Japan.
He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Earth science in the field of geography at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, and PGCert in Global Development at the University of Warsaw. Michal is an enthusiastic researcher (research field: System man – high-mountain environment), traveller (visited more than 60 countries on 6 continents), mountaineer (several new climbing routes, photographer, and science populariser (a few hundred pop-science lectures).
Michal’s unique background allows him to integrate knowledge from the perspectives of various points of view into his research and consultancy work. His areas of expertise are tourism management, consumer behaviours well as environmental and socioeconomic issues. In his main research field, he focuses on human presence in high mountain regions, and their well-being.
Currently, he is working on a concept of sustainable use of environmental and human resources, as this is a key to development, prosperity, and well-being of all stakeholders. Michal is a Board Member of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP) and a founder and a chairman of ASAP Poland.