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Tag: Beyond 2015


Introducing ASAP’s Quick Response and Campaign Coordination Teams

Two new groups of ASAP volunteers — the Quick Response Team and Campaign Coordination Team — will work together to provide research, consultation, and other support services to Beyond 2015.

Beyond 2015 is a global coalition of more than 500 civil society organisations from over 80 countries calling for a strong and legitimate development framework to succeed the UN Millennium Development Goals, which are due to expire in 2015. Beyond 2015 is working closely with the UN to ensure that its work on the post-2015 development framework is inclusive, participatory, and responsive to the voices of people living in poverty. The High Level Panel appointed to advise the UN General Assembly regards Beyond 2015 as a key source of civil society input in the MDG replacement process.

ASAP is well placed to contribute research and consultation to Beyond 2015 because two ASAP projects, the Global Poverty Consensus Report and the Institutional Reform Goals, focus on co-ordinating academics\’ research and recommendations for the MDG successors. Beyond 2015 has recognised ASAP as a leading source of academic knowledge concerning poverty alleviation and other development goals.

In order to provide Beyond 2015 with the best academic input possible, ASAP has recruited volunteers from around the world to form the Quick Response Team and the Campaign Coordination Team.

The Quick Response Team consists of 25 academics who specialize in poverty alleviation from diverse disciplines, including philosophy, political science, social science, economics, international business, environmental management, medicine, and other fields. Team members are based in a wide range of countries, including Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United States. The diversity of the Quick Response Team leads to rich interdisciplinary analysis and research on questions concerning poverty alleviation. Specifically, the Quick Response Team offers the following services:

  1. Providing research-informed responses to urgent questions from Beyond 2015.
  2. Fact checking position papers written by Beyond 2015 member groups.
  3. Translating Beyond 2015 materials into other languages.
  4. Identifying academics who are conducting leading research on poverty alleviation and international development.

The Campaign Coordination Team consists of four members who are responsible for liaising between ASAP, the Quick Response Team, and Beyond 2015, and for coordinating the efforts of these groups. Specifically, the Campaign Coordination Team recruits academics from the Quick Response Team to contribute to Beyond 2015 policy briefs, delegates research tasks amongst the Quick Response Team, and synthesizes research findings.

To date, the Quick Response and Campaign Coordination Teams have worked together to provide substantive academic feedback on several Beyond 2015 policy briefs, spanning the themes of Health, Food Security and Nutrition, and Environmental Sustainability. The two teams are also collaborating to compile a list of potential contributors to the Global Poverty Consensus Report who represent a variety of nations and academic disciplines.

The development of the Quick Response and Campaign Coordination Teams marks a pivotal step for ASAP\’s work in facilitating discussion between civil society and academic researchers, and in providing an avenue for academics to engage in poverty-alleviation activism and contribute directly to the efforts to eradicate global poverty.

For more information on the Quick Response Team, please contact Brent Peterkin at

For more information on the Campaign Coordination Team, please contact Erin Schutte at or Monica Landy at


Global Experts on Participation Join ASAP Team Promoting Inclusion in post-MDG Consultations

Some of the world\’s most prominent scholars of participatory governance and development have joined an ASAP team formed to help ensure an inclusive process in the development of replacement measures for the Millennium Development Goals.

The United Nations is holding a series of thematic consultations with academia, media, private sector, employers and trade unions, civil society and decision makers on the post-MDG development agenda. These meetings are likely to have a great impact on the new framework of international goals that will succeed the MDGs after 2015.

It is crucial that the voices of the global poor are well-represented in these consultations. Towards that end, ASAP, in collaboration with the Beyond 2015 coalition, has formed a team of experts on participatory consultation that will work to ensure that representatives of the global poor our meaningfully engaged in the upcoming UN meetings.

The team:

  • Elizabeth Anderson, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and John Rawls Collegiate Professor of Philosophy and Womens Studies at the University of Michigan
  • Seyla Benhabib, Eugene Mayer Professor of Philosophy and Political Science and Director of the Program in Ethics, Politics, and Economics at Yale University.
  • Simon Burall, Director of Involve
  • Lyn Carson, Fellow at the Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy at the University of Western Sydney, Australia
  • John Dryzek, Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University and Australian Research Council Federation Fellow
  • Meena Krishnamurthy, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Associate Director of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of Manitoba
  • Charles Sabel, Maurice T. Moore Professor of Law and Social Science at Columbia Law School
  • Gilad Tanay, Ph.D. Candidate, Yale University
  • Catarina Tully, Director of From Over Here
  • Scott Wisor, Research Fellow in the Centre for Moral, Social, and Political Theory in the School of Philosophy at the Australian National University

For more information about this project contact Gilad Tanay ( or Meena Krishnamurthy (


Call for Volunteers: UN Consultation on MDG Successors

The Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs, expire in 2015, and the policy framework that replaces them will likely shape global priorities for human development and poverty alleviation for the next two decades. ASAP is offering opportunities for its members to contribute research, coordination, and policy analysis to the largest civil society campaign seeking to influence the post-MDG framework.

Because of our work on the Global Poverty Consensus Report, our effort to identify consensus amongst academics on what should succeed the MDGs and communicate that position to decision makers in the UN policy process, ASAP has been asked to provide research and consultation to Beyond 2015. Beyond 2015 is a global coalition of more than 380 NGOs building a policy platform on poverty alleviation post-2015, making it the largest civil society organization active on the MDG successors.

In order to provide Beyond 2015 with the best academic input possible, ASAP is forming three teams of member volunteers:

  1. The Academic Quick Response Team, which will provide research support to Beyond 2015 and fact check position papers from coalition members.
  2. The Campaign Coordination Team, which will solicit and synthesize policy recommendations from development experts and civil society leaders, to be incorporated into ASAP and Beyond 2015\’s platform on development after the MDGs.
  3. The Expert Working Group on Participatory Consultation, which will write an alternative agenda for the UNDP\’s thematic consultation with civil society on governance and accountability issues–an agenda that is more open and less presumptive than that put forward by the UNDP.

We are currently recruiting for the Academic Quick Response and Campaign Coordination Teams.

Members with expertise in participatory consultation, international development, public policy, or international law should consider volunteering for the Academic Quick Response Team. Those with experience in organizational leadership, project management, grassroots campaigns, marketing, and communications are encouraged to volunteer for the Campaign Coordination Team.

If you would like to get involved, please complete this short form describing your skills and experience by Wednesday, October 17. We will follow up with details on how you can get involved.

For additional information, please contact Rachel Payne (


ASAP Joins Beyond 2015\’s Committee on Governance and Accountability

Beyond 2015 is a coalition of 380+ CSOs which is seeking to create a civil society consensus around a minimum standard of legitimacy for a post-2015 framework, both in terms of the process and the framework itself.

ASAP has been invited to join Beyond 2015\’s committee developing a position paper on governance and accountability for the post-MDG consultation process. This paper will be presented at the UNDP\’s thematic consultation meeting on governance and accountability to take place in Johannesburg early next year.

Board member Gilad Tanay (Yale) will represent ASAP in the committee. For further information or to provide your input on the process contact Gilad Tanay at

For more details on ASAP\’s work on the post-MDG issue see the Global Poverty Consensus Report.


UNDP holding national and thematic consultations on the post-MDG Framework, Beyond 2015 coordinating civil society input

The United Nations Development Programme is holding a series of thematic consultations on the post-MDG framework with academia, media, private sector, employers and trade unions, civil society and decision makers. These consultations will focus on 9 key areas:

  • Inequalities (across all dimensions, including gender)
  • Health (including issues covered by MDGs 4, 5, 6, plus non communicable diseases)
  • Education (primary, secondary, tertiary and vocational)
  • Growth and employment (including investment in productive capacities, decent employment, and social protection)
  • Environmental sustainability (including access to energy, biodiversity, climate change)
  • Food security and nutrition
  • Governance (at all levels)
  • Conflict and fragility (including post-conflict countries, and those prone to natural disasters)
  • Population dynamics (including ageing, international and internal migration, and urbanization)

In addition, the UNDP is convening 50 inclusive national consultations led by the UN\’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) on behalf of the General Assembly (GA).

Beyond 2015, a coalition of 380+ CSOs is coordinating a campaign to generate and present inclusive inputs from civil society into the consultations in order to influence the official UN process and to help build a civil society position on the content of a post-2015 framework.

The GPCR project and ASAP as a whole are urgently mobilizing resources to produce the right kind of outputs from academia to support the civil society effort to impact the consultation process and to do so in time to make a difference.

We will continue to update on the progress of the consultation process on this website. We would also recommend Beyond 2015\’s website as an excellent source of relevant and up-to-date information on the process.

For more information contact Gilad Tanay
