ASAP Joins Beyond 2015\’s Committee on Governance and Accountability
Beyond 2015 is a coalition of 380+ CSOs which is seeking to create a civil society consensus around a minimum standard of legitimacy for a post-2015 framework, both in terms of the process and the framework itself.
ASAP has been invited to join Beyond 2015\’s committee developing a position paper on governance and accountability for the post-MDG consultation process. This paper will be presented at the UNDP\’s thematic consultation meeting on governance and accountability to take place in Johannesburg early next year.
Board member Gilad Tanay (Yale) will represent ASAP in the committee. For further information or to provide your input on the process contact Gilad Tanay at
For more details on ASAP\’s work on the post-MDG issue see the Global Poverty Consensus Report.