Catarina Tully
Cat Tully is the Founder and Managing Director of The School of International Futures (SOIF). SOIF helps leaders in business, government and the third sector use foresight (ordered long-term thinking) to explore alternative futures and act on the implications for decision-making today. Cat has extensive experience as a practitioner, helping governments, civil society and businesses to be more strategic, more effective, and better prepared for the future. She is motivated by a focus on social justice and the importance of multi-stakeholder approaches to the challenges of the 21st century world.
Prior to setting up SOIF, Cat was Strategy Project Director at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and Senior Policy Adviser in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Before working in government, she worked in strategy and international relations across the not-for-profit and business sectors, including Christian Aid, Technoserve, and Procter and Gamble.
Cat is the Chairholder of the Professorial Chair in the field of Leadership at UNIRAZAK University in Malaysia, and a Visiting Lecturer at King’s College, University of London. She was previously a Visiting Professor at Moscow’s Presidential Academy for Public Administration and an Honorary Fellow of Exeter University’s Strategy and Security Institute. Cat is a member of the United Nations Learning Advisory Council for the 2030 Agenda. She is a Trustee of the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development (FDSD) and a member of the Advisory Board for the British Foreign Policy Group (BFPG).