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Primera Reunión de ASAP México


UNAMASAP México celebrará su Primera Reunión Oficial el próximo martes 4 de febrero de los corrientes a las 16:00 hrs. en la Sala José Gaos, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Se extiende la más cordial invitación a todos los interesados a unirse al Comité Organizador del Capítulo para discutir sobre dirección estratégica de ASAP México. La agenda de la reunión es la siguiente:

  • Discusión sobre la visión y objetivos de ASAP México
  • Sesión informativa sobre las directrices del Capítulo
  • Planeación de las futuras reuniones

Sede: Sala José Gaos, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Circuito Maestro Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, CP 04510, Coyoacán, México, D.F.

Para mayor información por favor póngase en contacto con el Dr. David Mena Alemán al correo:


ASAP in San Sebastián

On January 14th, 2014, Academics Stand Against Poverty had its second presentation in Spain. The launch of ASAP Spain was organized by the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona in November 2013, during Thomas Pogge\’s visit to Barcelona. In this occasion, some members of ASAP Spain were provided the opportunity to present the organization at the San Telmo Museoa (San Telmo Museum), a fascinating institution of culture in San Sebastián, which has expressed an interest in furthering its collaboration with ASAP.

After a brief introduction of ASAP\’s mission by Txetxu Ausín, Carissa Véliz provided an overview of the ongoing ASAP projects, including the Health Impact Fund, the Institutional Reform Goals, Moral Psychology and Poverty Alleviation, Know Your Rights, and the Global Poverty Consensus Report. She also expressed ASAP\’s interest in finding new partners and volunteers in Spain. Her presentation was followed by a presentation of the Health Impact Fund project by David Rodríguez-Arias.

A number of local and national media covered the event, which was broadcasted by the radio (Onda Cero and Radio Popular) and diffused by local newspapers (El Diario Vasco and Noticias de Gipuzkoa) through interviews and reports.

The team of ASAP Spain hopes to keep growing in number and reach through collaborations with academic, political institutions, and companies.  If you wish to propose a project or would like further information about ASAP, please contact Paula Casal, Board Member and Chair of ASAP Spain, at


Global Justice and the Global South Conference at the University of Delhi

Nyaya, the Global Justice Program at the University of Delhi, in partnership with the Yale Global Justice Program and the Centre for the Study of Global Ethics at the University of Birmingham, is proud to present its inaugural conference, Global Justice and the Global South.


Conference Outcomes: The Launch of ASAP Spain

The Spanish launch started at 9:30 am on November 29th, 2013, at the Auditorium Mercé Rodoreda of the University Pompeu Fabra. The auditorium was flanked with stands with ASAP t-shirts and recent publications, including new translations of Thomas Pogge’s work, and all the seats were full.


Where Does the Movement to Curb Illicit Financial Flows Go From Here? ASAP UK Workshop Outcome Document Now Available

Academics and activists debated the future of the movement to curb illicit financial flows at an ASAP UK workshop in London on October 23, 2012. Event speakers Martin Kirk, Global Campaigns Director at The Rules, Toby Quantrill, Policy Advisor on Tax Justice at ActionAid UK, Alice Lépissier, Research Assistant at the Center for Global Development, and ASAP President Thomas Pogge offered diverse proposals for how activists might capitalize on political momentum coming out the G8 and G20 summits.


Impact: Global Poverty PowerPoint Presentations Now Available

Leaders of poverty and global justice research centers around the world gathered at Yale October 18-20, 2013, for the ASAP-sponsored conference, Human Rights & Economic Justice: Essential Elements of the Post-MDG Agenda.


Rights & Justice 2015 Day 3 Recap: A Diversity of Impact Projects and a Call for Unity

The closing day of Human Rights & Economic Justice: Essential Elements of the Post-MDG Agenda demonstrated both the diversity of scholars’ approaches to impact and the desire for greater coordination among academic activists. Speakers picked up the theme of academic impact, which was introduced in panel discussions on Saturday.


Academic Impact & Global Health Innovations Showcased at Yale

Global health and academic impact on poverty were the discussed during the second day of Human Rights & Economic Justice: Essential Elements of the Post-MDG Agenda at Yale this Saturday.


Rights & Justice 2015 Kicks Off at Yale

The fifth annual conference on illicit financial flows and financial transparency at Yale kicked off this Friday. ASAP, the Yale Global Justice Program, and Global Financial Integrity co-hosted the event.


Thomas Pogge Presents Report on Illicit Financial Flows and Poverty at IBA Conference

Report concludes that state action that facilitates tax avoidance and evasion may amount to a violation of human rights.