Jesuit Justice Ecology Network Africa (JENA) in collaboration with Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP), and Global Justice Program, Yale University organized a webinar themed, “Transforming Africa’s Food System towards Poverty Eradication”, drawing insights from a rich pool of experts across the globe.
The webinar was held on December 7, 2022, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm East African Time. The webinar drew from the urgent need to reform the current food system to adhere to the present realities as the world works towards transitioning into sustainable food systems. The themes of the webinar and points of discussion captured the reality in most parts of the African continent and other parts of the globe coming to times with social and economic challenges.
The goal of the webinar and theme was to collate and share insights believed integral in driving the food security agenda in the face of growing development challenges likely to stem past successes and progress towards creating sustainable food systems that meets the needs of the region. The full report can be obtained by clicking here