In its first year, AGAPE aims to divide Rs. 8,00,000/- among ca. five promising projects that will pilot innovative approaches to poverty eradication. Here poverty is defined broadly as including the whole range of basic social and economic needs; and eradication is conceived as enabling households to escape poverty permanently. Only individuals and organizations planning projects in India are eligible to apply. Guidelines: Applications should consist of one page each on the proposal and the proposers. The proposal page should specify a detailed plan for the pilot project, preceded by a one-sentence summary statement of purpose, and followed by a brief timeline and budget. The proposer page should give relevant details about the person(s) intending to do the work and (if applicable) their organization. Additional supporting materials are accepted but not encouraged. An expert panel will assess pilot projects based on their cost-effectiveness and promise of success as well as their potentials for innovation and scale-up. Selected projects may be resubmitted in subsequent years for additional funding. Proposals should be sent to by 31 July 2022, with selections to be announced by the end of August. AGAPE is an initiative by Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP), an international community of scholars and researchers working to confront the rules and practices that perpetuate global poverty and to initiate targeted, evidence-based reforms. This initiative commemorates and honors Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, India’s foremost promoter of poverty eradication. We would like to thank Krishen and Geeta MEHTA as the generous sponsors of the inaugural three years of the AGAPE fund. Krishen Mehta is a Global Justice Fellow: Geeta Mehta is a Columbia University Professor: