ASAP is supporting ID100, a collaborative project to identify the 100 most important questions for development after the expiration of the Millennium Development Goals in 2015. Led by the Sheffield Institute for International Development (SIID), ID100 aims to contribute to the discussion of the post-2015 development agenda. ASAP plans to submit up to 5 questions from members to ID100. Submit your question(s) by Thursday, May 29 at 12 noon EDT to be considered for inclusion in the list.
To be considered for inclusion in ASAP\’s submission, questions should be relevant to international development and adhere to the following criteria:
- Must be answerable through a realistic research design
- Must be of a spatial and temporal scope that reasonably could be addressed by a research team
- Must not be formulated as a general topic area
- Must have a factual answer and must not be answerable with \’it all depends\’
- Except if questioning a precise statement (e.g. \’does the earth go around the sun?\’), should not be answerable with \’yes\’ or \’no\’
- If related to impact and interventions, must contain a subject, an intervention, and a measurable outcome
Example questions:
- \”What are the most effective interventions for reducing the social gap in educational outcomes?\”
- \”What are the positive and negative impacts of digital technologies on poverty?\”
- \”What are the direct and indirect impacts of armed conflict on biodiversity?\”
If possible, please assign one of the 11 themes identified by the \’World We Want\’ campaign to your question: education, water, growth and employment, governance, inequalities, food security, energy, population dynamics, environmental sustainability, health, or conflict and fragility.
You may submit up to five questions for consideration. You will receive acknowledgment as the author of the question, although all questions will be submitted on behalf of ASAP.
The top five questions will be selected by a committee of ASAP global Board members, officers, chapter heads, and staff.
Submit all questions by e-mail to Rachel Payne at by Thursday, May 29, at 12 noon EDT.
Learn more about ID100 and SIID at the ID100 website.