ASAP Italy is the latest ASAP chapter to hold a public launch event. There are now twelve chapters under development in the ASAP network: Austria, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Oceania, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, and West Africa.
ASAP Italy launched on May 9-10 in Rome at LUISS University, in collaboration with the Schools of Law and Political Science. The event aimed to bring together both academics and practitioners and to spark a debate over what should be the priorities of the new chapter.
Participants in the meeting identified some early priorities for the new chapters, including encouraging research at the intersection of global justice theory and inequality studies, as well as establishing a global health research hub within ASAP Italy. Participants were also interested in initiating projects related to sustainability and human rights.
Teaching is meant to be a major priority for the new group. One idea that came up in the brainstorming session was to create an interdisciplinary MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) on poverty alleviation in order to offer students a wider perspective on poverty. The MOOC would draw on work from economics, political science, and law.
To get involved with ASAP Italy, contact chapter co-organizers Mario Ascolese and Maria Ginevra Cattaneo at and