Inspired by ASAP Oceania’s successful Political Party Manifesto poverty audit of the Australian election in August 2013, ASAP UK is conducting a similar process for the UK General election in May 2015. The purpose is twofold:
1. To provide rigorous assessment and critique of the manifesto of each political party from the perspective of their policies\’ impact on global and national poverty. The findings will be reported in an edited online volume produced by ASAP UK, with chapters written by leading academics in the ASAP UK network.
2. To generate a public debate around the importance of addressing poverty in the lead-up to the elections, including raising awareness of the poverty implications of different parties\’ policies. The Audit outcomes will be featured in the Guardian\’s Poverty Matters Blog and highlighted in the work of several partner organizations.
We are looking for a Master’s or Ph.D. student to volunteer as Research and Coordination Assistant for the project. The role will require you to:
- Research status of manifestos – pull together past manifestos, liaise with current political party manifesto authors, identify relevant speeches
- Organise events in January and April – bringing the academic authors together with policy partners, including developing initial briefing material
- Liaise with academic authors and policy partners
- Manage project timeline and overview
You will be working with Cat Tully, the ASAP UK co-chair, who will provide regular direction and support as needed. The role will require about 10 hours volunteering a week in January, probably less in February and March, and then again around 10 hours per week in April. Benefits of volunteering include networking opportunities, being named as a contributor to the edited volume, and letter of recommendation, based on performance, as well as unique insight into academic-policy interface. If you are interested, please send CV and brief description of why you’re interested to Cat by the 24th Dec on All applicants will be considered, but those based in the UK will be preferred.