The Public Attorney’s Office – 3rd Region makes available to the public the videos of the launch in Brazil of ASAP – Academics Stand Against Poverty, an international platform and academic network against poverty.
The first ASAP Brazil Conference took place in Sao Paulo, on the 5th and 6th, December, 2013. The list of 23 videos bellow shows the topics and respective speakers in the event.
List of videos in chronological order:
December 5, 2013
Opening Panel
Panel I:
The Right to Education and Public Policy for the Reduction of Inequality, Promotion of Development and for the Fight against Poverty
- Video 1/6: Opening Remarks and \”Social Platform\”
- Video 2/6: Lecture on \”Promoting Equality: Education as a Means of Reducing Poverty\”. Patricia Tuma Martins Bertolin (Mackenzie University)
- Video 3/6: Lecture on \”Law, Public Policy and Governmental Coordination: The Challenge of Democratizing Access to Higher Education\”. Maria Paula Dallari Bucci (University of Sao Paulo) [link unavailable ]
- Video 4/6: Lecture on \”The Right to Basic Education in the Development Agenda\”. Denise Career (Ação Educativa)
- Video 5/6: Lecture on \”Strategies for Judicial Enforceability of the Right to Child Education as a Mechanism for Social Inclusion\”. Alessandra Steps Gotti (Movimento Todos pela Educação)
- Video 6/6: Rapporteur and Q&A Session
Panel II:
Access to Health for People in Poverty Conditions
- Video 1/5: Opening Remarks and \”Social Platform\”
- Video 2/5: Lecture on \”Aligning Health Sciences with Citizen\’s Demands\”. José Augusto Barreto (Sergipe Fedetal University)
- Video 3/5: Lecture on \”The Universal Right to Health in Tension: The State Duty of Care for Vulnerable Groups and Individuals with Rare/Neglected Diseases\”. Fernando Aith (University of Sao Paulo)
- Video 4/5: Lecture on \”Law and Global Health: The Case of the Influenza A (H1N1) Pandemic\”. Deisy Ventura (University of Sao Paulo)
- Video 5/5: Concluding Remarks and Q&A Session
Panel III:
The Right to Urban Development: Internationalization, Poverty and Contemporary Social Challenges
- Video 1/5: Opening Remarks and \”Social Platform\”
- Video 2/5: Lecture by Rogério Sottili, Sao Paulo Municipal Secretary for Human Rights and Citizenship
- Video 3/5: Lecture on \”Welcoming and Social Integration of Foreigners: A Human Rights Challenge\”. Claudia Moraes de Souza (UNIFESP)
- Video 4/5: Lecture on \”Violence and Poverty\”. Stephanie Morin (Human Rights Watch, HRW Brazil)
- Video 5/5: Concluding Remarks and Q&A Session
December 6, 2013
Inaugural Lecture on Local Poverty and Global Multidimensional Solutions:
- Video 1/3: Lecturer Thomas Pogge (Yale)
- Video 2/3: Aurelio Rios (PFDC/MPF) and Solange Teles (Mackenzie University) [link unavailable ]
- Video 3/3: Lelia Antonia Sanches (MPF-PR) and Maria Tereza Uille Gomes (Parana State Department of Justice)
Panel IV:
Poverty, Access to Justice and Universal Rights in Brazil
- Video 1/3: Lecture on \”Humanistic Conception and Universality of Human Rights\”. Dalmo de Abreu Dallari (University of Sao Paulo)
- Video 2/3: Lecture on \”Structural Interventions to Combat Poverty\”. Calixto Salomão Filho (University of Sao Paulo)
- Video 3/3: \”Social Platform\” and Concluding Remarks
Panel V:
Social Security and Convergence Policies for the Elimination of Poverty in Brazil
- Video 1/7: Opening Lecture on \”Social Policies and Poverty Reduction in Brazil\”. Jorge Abraham Castro (Brazilian Ministry of Planning)
- Video 2/7: \”Social Platform\”
- Video 3/7: Lecture on \”State, Overcoming Underdevelopment and Poverty Alleviation\”. Gilberto Bercovici (University of Sao Paulo and Mackenzie University)
- Video 4/7: Lecture on \”Social Security: an Interpretation for the Fight to Eradicate Poverty in Brazil\”. Marcus Orione Gonçalves Correia (Federal Judge, University of Sao Paulo
- Video 5/7: Lecture on \”Poverty, Citizenship and Development.\” Eduardo Fagnani (Unicamp)
- Video 6/7: Lecture on \”Reflections on the UN Conventions for the Social Inclusion of People with Special Vulnerability\”. Christoph Käppler de Oliveira (University of Dortmund and University of the Ruhr Metropolitan Region in LA) [link unavailable ]
- Video 7/7: \”Social Platform\” and Concluding Remarks