Deadline Thursday, August 20, 2015
Academics Stand Against Poverty is seeking a dynamic volunteer to serve as the organization\’s next Vice President. The Vice President works closely with ASAP\’s Global Board of Directors and President Thomas Pogge to provide vision and operational leadership.
ASAP is an international association focused on helping poverty researchers and teachers enhance their positive impact on severe poverty. It now has chapters in Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, India, Italy, Germany, Greece, Mexico, Oceania, Romania, Spain, Southeast Asia, the UK, the United States, and West Africa, with hundreds of members working and studying in universities, research centers and NGOs worldwide.
ASAP is headquartered at Yale University and employs 1.75 FTE staff (two staff members). It takes guidance from a 21-member Advisory Board which includes some of the world\’s most prominent poverty researchers and development policy and practice experts.
Current Vice-President Luis Cabrera is stepping down in October, after serving five years on the ASAP Global Board and 18 months as VP, during which time he led the drafting of the organization\’s three-year Strategic Plan and helped launch major initiatives. He is pleased to hand the reins to a successor with fresh ideas for ASAP and new ambitions for helping to lead the organization into its next development phase. He can be contacted directly with any questions about the post at
Applications are welcomed from academics, and also qualified practitioners, who have a strong interest in helping promote positive academic impact on poverty alleviation. Ideally, candidates will be:
- Around mid-career or above, with research interests in poverty and related issues
- Able to make use of academic and professional networks and to leverage academic resources to help ASAP further its impact aims
- Able to provide leadership inside and outside of the organization
The Vice-President chairs Global Board meetings and works with the President and various ASAP Officers to further the organization\’s aims. Please see the About page on the ASAP web site for information on our overall mission.
If you would like to apply for this position, please send your CV and an application statement of 400 words or fewer explaining your interest and your salient experience to Chelsea Papa at Applications will be accepted until August 20, 2015.
Thank you, and we very much look forward to hearing from you.
Thomas Pogge, on behalf of the ASAP Board of Directors
Ashok Acharya, University of Delhi
Luis Cabrera, Griffith University
Paula Casal, Pompeu Fabra University
Jason Hickel, London School of Economics
Keith Horton, University of Wollongong
Matthew Lindauer, Yale University
Zorka Milin, Global Witness
Mitu Sengupta, Ryerson University
Ellen Szarleta, Indiana University
Miles Thompson, University of the West of England
Catarina Tully, FromOverHere
Helen Yanacopulos, Open University